Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Suzi

Happy Birthday to You!

This week we had a Birthday... meet my sister Sue. Our families are often sooo busy that we don't have a whole lot of time to get together and have some fun. But, today is not the case. Bill, Sue's husband, and I were able to keep our mouths shut and surprise Sue for her Birthday. At 6.30 at night our family showed up at her door with a cake, a fun craft, and some presents for her on her birthday! Kind of like a kiddie birthday, but for an adult :)

Above is the craft table. I thought, in efforts to get into the Christmas spirit, we should have a snowman theme. I was at Target and luckily they had a winter craft that comes in a box! Everything you need to make 20 snowmen all in one awesome kit. I love it. We laughed a lot trying to assemble our snowmen. Below is my new Facebook profile pic for the winter.

Have a look at our family below...

All in all, it was one fun day!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One a Day WIP-3

Hello everyone... Here is my "One-A-Day" update for those of you who have been following along. My stripey blanket won this week. I have completed 8 rows - Whoot! Whoot! This is my 3rd post, but actually week 4... I missed a week in there somewhere. You can follow the crochet clan along at Gingerbread Girl's Tuesday Tallies post on her blog.

I was so happy to read your comments last Tuesday about having multiple projects going. It makes me feel much more normal and less scatter-brained knowing that others subscribe to my ways of working. I just love being apart of this group. It's wonderful to take a sneak-peek at all the other wonderful projects that are going on too. Well done ladies!

My post is going to be short and sweet today as I have way too many pages to read before class tomorrow. But not too short to say that I hope you all had a great, and spooky, Halloween yesterday. We sure did. CJ counted 199 pieces of candy in his trick-or-treat bag. And Kelsey topped the 200 mark. Oh, how the dentists must love Halloween.

This week I have learned a new stitch... the popcorn stitch. It's really quite simple, just 5 double crochets in the same hole, and the pull them together. A real tutorial can be found here. I like the little bit of random texture it adds.

I got a bit carried away with the size. I haven't actually taken the time to measure it but... I think that when I'm done it will no longer be a cozy throw, but an all out coverlet for my bed. It's going to take months to finish!! I'm not sure about the Navy?? I have to look at it a while before I continue. It isn't supposed to match anything but... maybe it is?? Any thoughts? Is it too much? I'm on the edge.
